Wednesday, May 30, 2007
my art teachers are so cute! ok.. the other time i drew this picture of me chained to the brushes, then wanna kick soccer, YES, the picture was elvis's idea. i was drawing out his idea. i thought i creditted that to you? :]] anyway. haven;t been blogging. lots of things happening. read ky's blog, hahah. so mean. but ok, i think i'm meaner. cos i actually said these words to xm, to tell xm to tell m_c_e_l_.
hahah. how was that. cool right. eeww. so bimbo. yuck. no lar. it's really very mean. will never say that. but seriously, if i've been this bitchy, i would have just walked up and slapped her. that slap would be for the commotion and tiredness and the sadness that she caused in everyone, everyday. everyone was so tired of this. SO irritating. mid summer night's dream everyone was quite shocked to see me. hahah. cos i'm so non-lit. but hey, i studied pure lit in ijtp leh. minwei: "then why you never continue now?" me: "i'm scared of it already." (the 2 years with mrs mag low. brrr.) but honestly, i really enjoyed it. it was at fort canning park and everyone had to sit on the grass to watch the play. the play was all around us, the actors walked on platforms that were built around us, so we had to turn here and there to watch the play. the actors could also just kiss and fall asleep (part of their act) and crawl and shout and talk in front of us. hahah. it was a comical and romantic play. a little musical too. saw one of ijtp Nigel in the play, acting as one of titania's fairies.. although i must admit it was VERY uncomfortable, my legs were like so super numb, but it was really an interesting play. they spoke ancient literature language, which took me quite a while to understand. "art thou thy thee" piano performance had a little piano performance at bukit timah shopping centre, SingOn music centre.. aiya. nothing much. audience was children, and then the piece i played was slow one, everyone was falling asleep. hahah. on wednesday, me meihung mrs ng and ms hew were watching some animation, then mrs ng said "meihung, you do animation then ask chenghong to play the music for you." meihung: "cheng, really ar?" mrs ng: "YAR! cos she's always piano here piano there, piano performance this and that. hahah." me: "har. heheh. no lar no lar. no more already." mrs ng: "eh, actually i want to learn piano leh. can i learn piano without learning the dou ya zi?" (dou ya zi = beansprouts = what she meant was music notes) me: "har, cannot lar." mrs ng: "can or not? like just memorize.." me: "oh. like that can lar. memorize then just play. i got friends learning this way." mrs ng: "oh heheh. ok. you teach me. i allow you to scold me. hahah. this time i become your student. i give you permission to scold me- mrs ng!!! why are you so stupid??? why you use your tou pi to think??? hahahah." (tou pi = head scalp) i was like ok.. hahahah. ms hew: "cheng..hong...! you know how to play piano ar? grade what already?" me: "grade 8" ms hew: "WAAAAAA, you know how to play piano ar? i see you always so blur one. everytime ask you or call you you will go har .. ?" me: "har?" mrs ng: "no no no, she may be blur now, but later when she play.." then mrs ng gave the serious look, and start to act as though her hands were sweeping across the piano keyboard. HAHAH. ms hew: "you can play jiao cha one ar?" (jiao cha one ar = hands over one another. LH plays the treble clef) me: "er. yar." ms hew: " waaaaaa, then your fingers got cross one not?" (got cross one not = cross fingers. she did the one middle finger over index finger) but obviously we don cross it like this.. usually it's thumb under third finger. me: "have to ar.. :]]" ms hew: "wa, chenghong! " the rest was giggles. and more lame stuff. hahah. seriously. my art teachers are REALLY cute!
got to do work now. shall upload pictures another time. yea. another time. 9:02 PM Thursday, May 24, 2007
GP lecture showed a movie on crime and punishment. i almost cried when they got beaten up, or killed a man, or got sexually abused. all were boys. the officers love it. sicko. i don't want to be reminded of it again. today's the most fun day of my JC life! whee.. [ok, i may have said umpteen times of "most fun day of JC life", but yes, IT'S REALLY FUN!] ponned physics to train table tennis in preparation for the table tennis open organised by the girls' team. didn't leave the hall since one plus lar! wa liao. now my leg aching. tired. keep standing. some more keep moving around. bend down. pick up ball. chase after balls. run. walk. stand. run and brake. kaixian taught me how to play a little today. wa. table tennis is tough. requires lots of skills man. can't learn it all in one day! halfway playing table tennis, went over to play badminton with spencer and his group of friends [F4]. xianmin and yichun were there too. was joined by zhong lin and i think daryl [forgot his name..]. so fun! all were good games. and i seriously suck at backhand. hahah. but overall, ok.. practised table tennis with spencer, huiyen, sihui, xianmin, hongqing and javin and cheo hao, jinyu and of course my opponents. hai. the guys like to smack the ball down to get this wooh~~ high feeling, whether or not it scored [hahah], they just like to do it. huiyen, sihui were a pair hilarious couple. playing with them sure was fun. huiyen kept collecting balls until she unofficially opened a ball bank. [she had like 5 balls in her hands?!?!?!?] ahahhah. sihui and huiyen just kept giggling at every ball lar. they made us laugh even harder :]] i guess it's not that bad.. we won the first round and got into semi-fianls. but wel lost it at semi-finals. we were dealing with real pro and zai people, you know. there was no way for me to catch my opponent's fast speedy low ball. basically in simple terms, i got thrashed badly. 2-11. 1-11. hah. thanks man. losing is so interesting. sleep now. bye 8:14 AM Saturday, May 19, 2007
skipped College Day for AEP event. yesterday ADM (art media design) seminar at NTU was ok ok, slept a lot during the talks. wooh. i think Mr Christopher Toh's really cool! He's filthy rich. He could even offer sponsorships to his apprentices or sponsor some art activities for them to travel to do art stuff, or for them to run events. Even had his own company, called Ant. So whoopily cool. But he's really an impatient man, which made him a poor tourguide. Hahah. He self-aclaimed that which i totally agree with. then there was this Prof Peter who teaches 3D modelling showed us some videos which are considered good to be submitted in along with the portfolio if you ever want to study in ADM. Xm and I saw Candice's video. So interesting. it was considered an above average video. we asked if she got in, Prof Peter didn't know. he explained that he gave fairly good scores for her video, but the decision was not his alone, he didn't know how other judges in the panel have graded her. he represented just one of the many faculties. so we asked mrs ng. she got in. hahah. Prof Peter was like "wow, that's good!" just as i expected, attending this seminar has gotten my passion for art, the spirit rekindled. I REALLY DON'T KNOW! my heart obviously said "i don't want to have anything that's got to do with it anymore! really. BUT, i don't know. this is not fair. not fair. not fair. my heart and my brain were thinking of different things. To be or not to be, that's a question. Shall upload the pictures another day. well well. watched ky and chun's performance. really liked the ballet one, and the chinese dance one. nice nice. a few others were super abstract. great performance again girls! love ya. GP lecture on Thursday was woohwooh. 0608 first time in 2 years i suppose actually sat together in one whole row in LT1! i'm so H-A-P-P-Y lar! we are SO united. hahah. it definitely feels super nice to sit together with your class, ain't it? how i wish we can sit like that every thursday! just realised my mural is SO INVISIBLE. it's so far. my parents hasn't seen it yet. my friends i don't think they know anything, let alone see it. so sad can. never mind. it ought to be painted there cos it's really ugly. unlike others'. yar yar. there are many children there hanging around BLK 258, but honestly, nobody is going to give any heck to it, cos it's so not appealing. so unwanted. so so neglected. it will sooner or ltr be vandalised anyway. forget it. i just realised how sad i've been living. no one listens to my piano music when i practised. it was noise to them. i asked my mom "how was it? did you hear it?" "har? wo mei you ting dao. wo hen xiang shui jiao liao." zzz compared to some pop chinese music from the radio that my sister listens to every night, it was RAH. no one appreciates. this is bad. whatever i draw, i asked my family if it's nice, ok, they will just "aiyo, we are not art people, don't know leh." "please at least give some comments. not art people can also say sth one right?" "ok lar. nice lar." ok. fine fine. i'm totally ok with those entertain-me comments. at least you gave some. hai. why. i want to talk. but i don't know what's happening now. there's just a sudden pause. a sudden silence. what's happening? DO-ART TIME. or else mrs ng's gona kill me. bye. 10:03 PM Thursday, May 17, 2007
shall blog today. as could be seen from my title, blogging was really a chore. whatever. i wanna know who's tataric. and i'm on my way to tracking her face down. so fun. we had this School Graduation Workshop today during common lunchbreak, and we were supposed to learn how to write our own testimonials. so weird. they are asking us to write our own self appraisals, write nice things about ourselves, in a way, to be thick skinned, to put in whatever glorious moments you had in school when it's really not something that we should glamourize on. but then, if we aren't going to be thick skinned, we will perhaps not able to land ourselves in a job. ponned physics again. chatted with tie zheng. he told us that our GP project presentation last yr on War and Crime, was used as lecture presentation this year. whee. we did on Honour Killing, and perhaps Mr Paul really liked it a lot, so he used it wholesale for J1 GP lecture. hahah. tiezheng, sebastian, kaixian and my name were all still up there! regarding ytd's incident, i wasn't really thinking about it anymore. perhaps because i didn't want to rmb it at all. actually wanted to post a picture of her face up there, but was lazy to blog again. so yar. anyway, she was frog-eyed, ugly like no one could be compared to her, and her use of expletives... was really quite limited... it's just those few vulgarities, whatever. how rich could her vocab be. hurhur. anyway, thanks ky for being the brave one, blocking most of the saliva that spewed down our way, thanks chun for saying that two powerful and impactful words "SHUT UP", which really got her provoked, and honestly speaking, i was really excited in my heart when she finally shouted at us. hahah. i was shivering in fear and anger and ... yar, excitement. so fun. [so sadistic.] and thanks tyson too. your presence made us feel so much safe and secured. don't blame yourself anymore. as you said, or your mom said, we could do nothing, cos she was crazy, a lunatic, who ought really to live in Hougang's Private Housing for those who were like her. time to get back to work. i really missed soccer. i wanna be back in the team like we were during dec hols, when i could go down for almost all trgs. i felt left out now. how i wished art hadn't stolen away that little attention i gave to soccer so that it could have my fullest concentration. whatever. fine. that J1 Desmond said words that i totally agree with. "Life is unfair." he asked "so are you happy?" because i told him i couldn't watch volleyball because of art, i said "no." whatever. and this sat i'm going for ADM seminar. why why why. i so obviously didn't want to touch art anymore in future, but somehow, i was still pulled towards it. like there was some kind of attraction between art and me that cuoldn't be explained. Art, soccer, Red Cross. i love them all. they sure made my JC life enriching. filled with joy, excitement and laughter. i made more friends in JC than in CHIJ, and i'm really glad to have all these ppl as my friends. LOVE THEM ALL. 5:54 AM Sunday, May 06, 2007
wonderful day ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Heaven is a wonderful place, filled with glory and grace. seriously, i don't know where the focus are, but i just know, the sky is beautiful. where can you see these images? at my house. shall upload more pics another day. 8:17 AM Wednesday, May 02, 2007
we won the third match for the first time in FAS tournament. i was super super upset when ms lye didn't allowed me to go watch the match. and yes, i really missed the exciting match sia. ![]() WE WON. 1-0. NYJC vs HCI omg. i hate myself for not being to be there to witness this thing. we won by a penalty kick. heard from huifang that pris took it. i'm so h-a-p-p-y that they won!!!! i told huifang i'm gonna come back to watch juniors and play too like kiyoko, emiko and angela to make up for this year's loss.. yes. i'm going to do just that. I LOVE SOCCER MORE THAN EVER NOW. Alleluia. 7:52 AM Tuesday, May 01, 2007
destress moments monday evening: yesterday saw the Desmond and another guy who are both from guy soccer during slack time. they called me over and asked funny questions. "are you happy?" giggle "really really, we must be happy." (translated from orginal: mei you mei you, zhen de, zhen de, zhuo ren jiu shi yao kai xin.) nod nod. "yes." "eh, tmr when does your lessons end?" think hardly... couldn't remember the timetable. "eh, i really forgot what time my lessons end tmr." frown. hahahahhahahahahhahahah (both of them laughed)! "tmr no school lar!" "eh yar hor!!!!" "eh, you very slow leh!" WAH. i was so totally cheated by them. played basketball. hadn't had such fun for a lnog time. it was really a destress fun time for me. today: the team started trg from 8am, ended at 11.15am. FAS coach was there. ms audrey was angry cos the team wasn't really serious. after she scolded us, the team got down serious mode, and trained. i'm red now, from the morning sun. i liked the smell of the field. so refreshing. takes away my troubles whenever i smell it. really. cos the smell always remind me of the happy moments i spent together with soccerettes. H-A-P-P-Y. tomorrow: NYgirls vs HCIgirls at MJC. i want to go support them. i'm going to ask for permission. surely just once won't hurt right? i badly want to go. i need to go. this is my last yr watching NYJC teammates playing tournament. my life is revolving around soccer, redcross and art now. 8:09 AM |
Profile ![]() CHENGHONG} convent girl to nyjc to NTU PSY i like art. bold italic underline
RUnaway run run.
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