Thursday, May 17, 2007
shall blog today. as could be seen from my title, blogging was really a chore. whatever. i wanna know who's tataric. and i'm on my way to tracking her face down. so fun. we had this School Graduation Workshop today during common lunchbreak, and we were supposed to learn how to write our own testimonials. so weird. they are asking us to write our own self appraisals, write nice things about ourselves, in a way, to be thick skinned, to put in whatever glorious moments you had in school when it's really not something that we should glamourize on. but then, if we aren't going to be thick skinned, we will perhaps not able to land ourselves in a job. ponned physics again. chatted with tie zheng. he told us that our GP project presentation last yr on War and Crime, was used as lecture presentation this year. whee. we did on Honour Killing, and perhaps Mr Paul really liked it a lot, so he used it wholesale for J1 GP lecture. hahah. tiezheng, sebastian, kaixian and my name were all still up there! regarding ytd's incident, i wasn't really thinking about it anymore. perhaps because i didn't want to rmb it at all. actually wanted to post a picture of her face up there, but was lazy to blog again. so yar. anyway, she was frog-eyed, ugly like no one could be compared to her, and her use of expletives... was really quite limited... it's just those few vulgarities, whatever. how rich could her vocab be. hurhur. anyway, thanks ky for being the brave one, blocking most of the saliva that spewed down our way, thanks chun for saying that two powerful and impactful words "SHUT UP", which really got her provoked, and honestly speaking, i was really excited in my heart when she finally shouted at us. hahah. i was shivering in fear and anger and ... yar, excitement. so fun. [so sadistic.] and thanks tyson too. your presence made us feel so much safe and secured. don't blame yourself anymore. as you said, or your mom said, we could do nothing, cos she was crazy, a lunatic, who ought really to live in Hougang's Private Housing for those who were like her. time to get back to work. i really missed soccer. i wanna be back in the team like we were during dec hols, when i could go down for almost all trgs. i felt left out now. how i wished art hadn't stolen away that little attention i gave to soccer so that it could have my fullest concentration. whatever. fine. that J1 Desmond said words that i totally agree with. "Life is unfair." he asked "so are you happy?" because i told him i couldn't watch volleyball because of art, i said "no." whatever. and this sat i'm going for ADM seminar. why why why. i so obviously didn't want to touch art anymore in future, but somehow, i was still pulled towards it. like there was some kind of attraction between art and me that cuoldn't be explained. Art, soccer, Red Cross. i love them all. they sure made my JC life enriching. filled with joy, excitement and laughter. i made more friends in JC than in CHIJ, and i'm really glad to have all these ppl as my friends. LOVE THEM ALL. 5:54 AM |
Profile ![]() CHENGHONG} convent girl to nyjc to NTU PSY i like art. bold italic underline
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