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Tuesday, June 27, 2006

ah!! don't you agree it's a super hot day? omgosh.
a brooch from kim wee. nice nice. from ho chih minh city. :]]
tomorrow art history test. sad life!!
all about chuck close. a photo realistic artist.
"painting is magical, transcendent, ... contemplative ... you are involved in a dialogue."

2:07 AM :) :) :) :)

Monday, June 26, 2006
orange, yellow and purple wrappings.

the 3rd one. nice nice.

1:40 AM :) :) :) :)

Friday, June 23, 2006
we are still good friends :]]

i guess it's less awkward now. we are still friends.. always will be. :]]

8:37 AM :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, June 21, 2006
false alarm!

i thought today is thursday and gp test is tomorrow. so blur.

8:33 AM :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, June 14, 2006
how how??

not going out today. supposed to study, but playing computer now. so dead. better shut it down now. :( righto. time is running out. and i really lost my econs notes. got to borrow again. righto.

i'm joining diva la futbol.. i really don't know whether i should tell my mom or not. maybe i should. but what if she doesn't allow. this is bad. what should i do? oh man.

1. xianmin -> for lending me her notes, and helping me [and ky] collect school stuffs.
2. gp group -> for doing much of the gpp.
3. art geeks -> for perking up my days with your laughter and smiles.
4. abel -> for informing all those scores.

8:02 PM :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006
yi qi yi hui

sometimes some things have to be sacrificed in order to achieve big things. just like not being able to attend a hq meeting for asia pacific conference because we have to rush our big paintings out. sad life. NO LIFE. why is there this word we call: priority? [hai]

yi qi yi hui. i like this phrase. it means, once in a lifetime. it's really meaningful. hold onto every opportunity you have, never let go, because each of them is once in a lifetime. yea.

i like soccer :]]

saw lots of keychains of footballs in minitoons. AHHHH!!! i feel like buying all of them. including the football cushion!

8:06 AM :) :) :) :)

Saturday, June 10, 2006
ger vs crc

soccer scores :

germany vs coasta rica 4 - 2
ecuardor vs poland 2 - 0

watched first half of the ger-crc match. i think ger is very strong in defence, and crc is slow to run back to cover up, giving ger many chances of winning. but i really love all their fakes mann.. so cool!

argh. who can help me in econs. shit lar. i don't understand oligopoly!!

12:30 AM :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

ohya.. anyway i see is futbol lor here in singapore and japan..
who are you all supporting? i'm supporting brazil. they are the best in moves lar!! super!! wooh. got lots of stuff to catch up. see ya ppl. anyway, we are going to so miss STEPHANIE!! she's flying off tmr, hope to see her off.. going to write letter to her now.. hope i can pass it to her.

friendship is continuous, round, no ending, like a ball.. a soccer ball..

7:01 AM :) :) :) :)




convent girl to nyjc to NTU PSY
i like art.



run run.

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