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Friday, June 27, 2008
my job

ppl ask me what's my job now, i say-
i'm a loanshark now. haha. always chasing after students for money in zhonghua.
i'm also a rice pack manufacturer in ny now. cat and i pack rice everyday. we are reaching 500 packets soon!

7:44 AM :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

major take note!

piano performance is from 3pm to 4pm.

7:48 AM :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
i found a room mate.

OOPS! sorry to anony and minwei. looks like my photo created some
commotion. ok..
to minwei- i understand it was a friendly comment :]
to anony- thanks anony for replying the tag should it had been a hurting

thanks guys for tagging! sorry for putting up that photo in the first
place. heh. ppl, don't be angry with one another ok? heh. :D

anyway, i'm staying in hostel with Shun Ru! yay. found a room mate.

i don't understand how to get the Microsoft Office working in my laptop!

8:51 PM :) :) :) :)

Monday, June 23, 2008
went to buy lots of stuffs.

just ytd, went Queensway to buy running shoes so i don't have to borrow from my sister each time i need it; went to Funan to collect laptop, bought printer ink at Sim Lim..

school opened again, and as usual, i have to wake up at 5.30am to go for work. that's quite funny to think of- people work everyday, whereas for me, because i'm not a teacher or a general office admin, during the june holidays (for students! haha) i only go back to work if the schools need me.

i lost much contact with my 0608 friends, definitely hoping i would get to talk to them again. people like Pei En, Boon Kiong etc. ah.. miss them. wondered if 0608 contacted ms agnes about where they are pursuing their studies. it would be quite miserable to know that most of your students have forgotten about you because you were only their CT teacher, and taught no subjects to any of your form class students (er.. maybe not the whole class, some 0608 ppl were under her for GP, but that's all). defintely much less 'physical' contact with people who I'm super close to. we must meet up soon!

my sis is pestering me to bring her to the zoo. haha. i owe her a penguin.

i owe:
ky a favour.
yixiu- something- gona buy her something for helping to complete two panels of tape art.

nothing much to do at zhonghua today cos ms sharon's not in. on MC. so a PE teacher took over the reliefing for ms sharon and shun ru's class.

ah. how's everyone?

if you want to spend money, yet can earn money at the same time, call me up
for more information. it's a new project that is starting soon in August. be
part of this project, and you can keep earning money forever, just because you
are part of this idea. that means, you can earn University extra pocket money
even without having to work. it's freelance. it's a good deal.

12:35 AM :) :) :) :)

Thursday, June 19, 2008

19june- was so nervous that i couldn't breathe! had full dress rehearsal at ms chew's house with all other performing students. fortunately i didn't blank out, though i did flopped somewhere.

Date: 28 June 08
Venue: Esplanade library
Time: 3pm - 4pm (but today we played more than one hour)

and it's of course free! :]

i'm playing:
Impromptu Op. 25 No.1 by Arensky

10:18 AM :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
russell peters racism jokes.

bought a Fujitsu laptop. late shipment. going to collect on friday.

packed more than 120 rice packs today. with the help of shangyi and cathleen. cathleen showed us this russell peters 's comedian show- the one that lasts 45mins (full length).

PEOPLE GO WATCH this one on youtube! his racist jokes are cruelly funny and so totally true.

7:43 AM :) :) :) :)

Monday, June 16, 2008
funny photo

this was how i once looked like when i was in sec one!


so funny right.


i can't stop laughing whenever i look at this photo.

8:00 PM :) :) :) :)

Thursday, June 12, 2008
that's just my day!

did nothing much today.
been just practising piano from 11am to afternoon. yea.
went library. read a book.
played badminton with my sis.
went sun plaza to rent movies. had soyabean ice cream. wanted to buy a theory book. didn't know which to choose. smsed ms chew, and she replied:
"come j"
"then will show you rat"
i was like what?! what is ms chew trying to say? haha. i guess she meant come on sat and i will show you. i guess she was having a piano lesson. oops.

that's just my day!! nothing much!! ah. i guess i'm better off working. being cooped up at home may mean getting sick. tomorrow i'm going to ny to pack rice.

7:32 AM :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008
same mistake.

i was just complaining about that guy the other day for not calling me earlier, today i just made the same mistake! i gave someone false hope! heh. super sorry. i owe you one man.

i have 8 designs right now. i'm going to continue drawing! lucky i don have to colour. or else it won't just take me 3 days. he wants a front and back cover. i should add30dollars more to my charge right?


i'm done with the colouring book. great.

1:48 AM :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
people's flying and going.

have just gotten news that ky got accepted into SMU. that's great :)

slaving out 10 designs for only 150dollars. somemore i was the one who gave that price. hmm. i could have asked for more.

went bras basah today to buy drawing paper, brushes, and a calligraphic marker.

was at ny to print stickers to paste on plastic bags.

shangyi went for a holiday!

sukai is leaving singapore for london to study economics!

and is angela back from trekking?!

how's chun..

how's everyone? :(
haha. am i missing school?

9:11 AM :) :) :) :)

Sunday, June 08, 2008

YEA KY! i've stopped emoing. haha. i think that night i was crazy as usual. worrying about things that shouldn be worried.

anyway this guy who i'm supposed to meet up for the colouring book offer, i tell you, he's like super whatever!

on friday night he finally replied my msg and said we would meet up on saturday to discuss further. i was like ok.

saturday, i waited for him the whole morning!! didn give up till saturday afternoon, kept my time free so if he wanted to meet up, i could be free to meet. i mean, this is a job offer, and i seriously want to be serious about it. later that evening, he called. but my phone was on vibration, i forgot to change it back to ringing mode, so i didn pick up his call. he later on msged saying this:

hi i tried calling earlier. this is quite an urgent project. do you mind if we meet tomolo? blahblahblah.

i was like. what?! if it had been urgent, please call me earlier. i waited the whole day for your call.
well, of course i msged back, and he replied: ok. no problem. call you tomorrow.
so we are supposed to meet on sunday. OK.
saturday night: uzbekistan vs singapore 2nd leg.
sunday morning: switzerland vs czech republic // portugal vs turkey.
i supposed he didn want to talk then because there was a soccer match to catch. i gladly imagined this reason to be true, because i was glued to the match too.

sunday morning. i continued to wait. 11am, i told myself he should be sleeping still because there were matches, and he stayed up late to watch. by afternoon, i gave up. i totally didn care about the offer. i mean if he needs this colouring book done, he should be the one coming to beg me for help since i was willing to do it and would be charging lower than professionals! late afternoon, when i was about to go grandparents' house, he called. like FINALLY. he said he was sorry he called so late and we couldn meet up because he was busy with something else. i didn bother to listen. whatever. i was like ok. it's ok, although my heart was super fuming badly. but anyway he said he would send some soft copies of examples through msn at 9.30pm. ok. and now i'm on msn. he's not online. i told him i would be home by 9pm. in the end i was home at 8.30pm. he only contacted me on msn at like 9.50pm.

ok. talking to him now. shall charge him high. rah. made me wait so much. humph. i'm so evil right. haha.

6:25 AM :) :) :) :)

Saturday, June 07, 2008

someone told me, if you're not strong-willed enough, studying psychology can change you. i can imagine myself turning into a paranoid, always wondering what people mean what they say. i should stand by my own principles. i'm too easily swayed by people's words, and i definitely am bothered much by what people think of me.

my character needs building!!

first things first, what are my basic principles?!?!

gone case.

in uni there are much lesser trustworthy friends you can find. even in jc, the number proved to be disappointing. i really do pray my friends stay true to me, so i can confide in them when i'm down!!

my first crush had made me realise how difficult maintaining friendship was. after that, a series of events that happened made me reflect and made me understood i was no longer in the protective arms of secondary school. sorry, i seem to dwell in the past. no worries im moving forward! but it's been great learning from what i experience with my jc friends. it did in a way woke me up, and forced me to be more streetwise, and i do hope my character would stay similar after entering uni! i'm still in a midst of finding m yself i guess, because if not, i would have been strong enough to filter what i will see and hear in future..

im afraid if im too careful, i cant find friends. but im also frightened that if i trust and commit easily, i will be let down again and again by disappointments. you get the DILEMMA? which is why sometimes when i start to think "anyhowly", i feel so super terrible.

my doubts can go on for days and i seriously hate that! until there's reassurance, i seriously brood over it for a long time.

i've learnt not to let my guard down- and i super totally hated that because i feel like a changed person. it makes me a hypocrite. i seriously hate hypocrites, and if i become one, i would definitely not be able to forgive myself!

i think i'm dwelling too much. it's hu si luan siang. this feeling of uncertainty sometimes just washes over you for no reason, and you start to doubt people. this is so wrong.

im going to stop typing. the entry can go on forever. i will just keep guessing. i mean, there shouldn't be anything against me when my conscience is clear like water!

i try to be neutral. but sometimes being neutral can get shoot at too. that's what i learnt in IJ. when things get seriuos, there needs to be a stand.

why am i talking about this. the czech vs switz is almost over. i can't watch because dad wants to sleep, so no one can go with me to watch..

it's like 1.30am
i just left msn, yet im still blogging
what's my problem.
im getting crazy.
stop thinking.
brain hurts.

8:54 AM :) :) :) :)

Thursday, June 05, 2008
ok. tape art time.

ky is back! she enjoyed herself on cruise and that's good :) i want to go go travel too!
i just rushed out angela's project designs till 2am yesterday. i'm super tired now. droopy eyes.
i received call from that colouring book guy. yay. but i'm not sure how much i should charge. hmm.
talked to meihung ytd. she's still at night safari working as a tram guide! oh man. she's a strong and steady girl.
xianmin and yixiu did their UOB works, and we hope they can finish on time! my itchy hands painted a small part of their first layers. heehee. nice of them to let me touch their works.

ok. tape art time.

6:14 PM :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, June 03, 2008
ntu walk.

went to ntu ytd to submit my docs for bursary. xm and i took a super long time to find the student services centre. it's like really on the hill, and from the point where we alighted from bus, we just kept going uphill. not knowing where to go, we decided to ask some dragonboat girls. they told us it was a slope away. truth is- i think it's a 10minutes walk plus 2 slopes away. lucky for the rain, which made the weather cooler, i think i would have sweated much just walking.

heh heh. lucky there's xm to walk with me. if not, i would have been even lost.

ky should be coming back soon from cruise..
chun is still working in that office filled with office politics.
angela is still rushing out her nursing project.
just being offered to create a colouring book for money. waiting for the in charge to call. whee.
my salary isn't in yet!
i kept forgetting to do certain admin stuff. shit.

so blur.

ok. i'm going to continue calling the students up.
i'm all alone again! hmm.
i want to go back to ny to do my tape art! no time!

5:55 PM :) :) :) :)




convent girl to nyjc to NTU PSY
i like art.



run run.

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