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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
tragic car accident

i can't believe my friend just died.

8:15 AM :) :) :) :)

Monday, January 28, 2008

finally not unemployed !!


reporting to zhonghua on 1 feb. great.

don't know how long this will last. i hope it's not like those relief teaching jobs i get. i hope this job will last longer.

mopped again.
watch youtube.
doing miscellaneous stuffs.
wait for calls to come.

this is the life of a jobless person.

it's going to change soon.

9:21 PM :) :) :) :)

Sunday, January 27, 2008
thanksgiving and a reunion dinner.

i have always remembered how my friends treated me. what they had done, sometimes even the simplest gesture of writing a jiayou letter, could really touch my heart. my first pair of soccer boots, my black wallet, and lots of cards, letters...

therefore, i have decided to use my first pay on them. heh. i've always wanted to buy someting nice for them, so, recently bought a red sleek long wallet for ky. her long awaited present. not sure what chun wants yet. considering ky's VERY NICE advice, may buy her ballet shoes. BUT, IT'S SUPER EX. hmm.

angela- always felt like owing her something.

hope i can get to treat all friends for dinner at least.


reunion dinner yesterday evening. saw new faces- their gfs, bfs. my 4-yr-old cousin is no longer afraid of strangers, but refuses to eat rice- she relies much on milk.

can't wait to start work. february.

results coming out soon. the third major obstacle in life. am i able to leap over this hurdle successfully so that i can continue to sprint?

8:39 PM :) :) :) :)

Thursday, January 24, 2008
okay days at st.gab, went back to NYJC.

days at st. gabriel were manageable. good classes were very well-behaved, always interested in the video- Success Stories of Lee Kuan Yew, i showed them. classes that were noisy and uninterested were those at the back. missed IJ when i was at st. gab. they had morning prayer every morning, but they didn sing hymns like IJTP. and, hahah, Mr. Lee (principal of st.gab and brother of Mrs Eugenia Lee-Tan) spoke exactly like Miss Theodora Tan. the boys sang the national song loudly, which reminded me of yvonne. pris and shihui (not sure if her name is spelt like this) from nyjc and perry from IJTP 4/3 or 4/4 (forgot) were teaching there.

i watched the video for lots of times. i'm already VERY brainwashed.

went back to NYJC today. the school was empty. i helped to reorganise the storeroom-corridor. was actually back to pass my jersey to juniors. they are having a match this coming sat.

8:12 AM :) :) :) :)

Sunday, January 20, 2008
BBQ, blood drive @ NKF.

blood drive @ NKF. result: wasn't good. far below expectations. targetted audience weren't there, they were mainly kidney-failure patients who came down to support the NKF's open house, and many of these patients' partners/ family members (who were mostly almost 60+) tagged along. collected 30+ units of blood. at the end of the day, helped one donor did a figure-of-8 on her arm. cool. had my weight taken, and nope, i'm still one kg away.

i'm still very afraid of the finger-prick blood test. ouch. i can't breathe whenever i see the blood being squeezed out.

BBQ yesterday, was fun, especially with min hui around to spice up the atmosphere with her laughter. we believe she's our very potential YAP ambassador. BBQ brought back ppl who had been overseas studying- so it's really a gathering.

it's great to know new friends, bond with ppl of same interest.

but hey old friends, you ppl're not forgotten. misses.

on the very side note, nursing is still on my list. i'm easily brainwashed. fickle-minded you can call it too. sorry.

7:00 AM :) :) :) :)

Friday, January 18, 2008

it's my lil sister's 10th birthday. birthday cake and presents, birthday song and birthday wish, seriously, i don't really do this anymore, but i joined in the fun. besides, she's still young. my grandma did something comical just now. a slice of strawberry cake, she left the bottom half of the strawberry fruit in the bowl. i think she ate the top half of the strawberry-which is the leafy part. hahahahahahahahah. super funny lar! i guess her colourblindness is getting worse.

i miss angela lots! times with her are forever fun. so glad she reconsidered YAP. yea, it's hard to find someone of same interest. so angela, you have me!! we'll have fun together in YDC (youth donor club)! OK?

i dread tmr's piano lesson. hope i improved somehow.

tmr YDC post camp BBQ. should expect many people :]

i just came across this video. though it was like total thrash, but it's applaudable for that one goal.
Singapore 1-8 Man-U

6:03 AM :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, January 15, 2008
what a busy mon-tues-wed!

once again, my living room had a big mega change! stuffs shifted here and there to make way for new furnitures.

yesterday had my COMPASStest at SAF@CareersCentre. was freaking nervous lar. didn know what they going to test us. couldn sleep since monday night.
6 girls, 2 guys came. i was the earliest (hahah, miraculously, i'm half an hour early)
turned out that, we were supposed to sit in front of computer, and the computer will handle everything.
test about eye-ear-hand coordination, eye-hand-leg coordination, accuracy and quick response, your direction sense; the tests- it's either you do two things at the same time, or you do three things at the same time; whether you could fly a plane- well, i cant control the joystick at all. :( test are quite mathematical.
tested on your psychological behaviour- asked a lot of psycho questions. tested on our ability to read bearings.
last part was the weirdest of all- given an operations manual booklet, and follow instructions. totally don understand, but i did follow instructions.

I HOPE I PASS. the test not only test about piloting, also test whether you can be a C3, or UAV, fighter etc. whether i pass or not, well, at least now i know where i am.

this morning, FINALLY, i got to do the long ago YAP minutes of meeting.

10:05 PM :) :) :) :)

Sunday, January 13, 2008
a match, and frets.

yesterday, saturday, had piano as usual. after that, went to clementi mrt station to meet up with soccerettes. had a match with NUS Yusof Ishak Hall woman soccer team. score, 2-0. we lost, but good game. i expected worse, turned out to be better. i say it was a good game cos we didn have really have a thorough trg as like before, so ppl lost touch, but still we lost by two goals only. so yar, everyone, great job man. oleh oleh. played three quarters, and we were forced to end the game because the soccer guys were waiting to play their match. the field is super big. there are two fields. on the other field, they look like they are playing some other games, and got ang moh playing rugby, ang moh girls training sprinting on the tracks. tennis courts were all booked. basketball courts, ppl were playing in there. saw taekwando guys and girls kicking each other. what a busy day for them.

had 'high tea' at IKEA after match. spaghetti, meatballs, chocolate mousse- YUM YUM.

i'm still fretting about what to study. ppl will find me irritating, cos i cant decide, but yar, i really cant help it. this is one big crossroad, and i must really decide on what to study. it's about THE FUTURE. sigh.
there are things i couldn let go, some things i want to try, but don dare to take he gamble. that's why, i'm fretting.

sigh. whatever. i will make the decision sooner or later. i should stop fretting.

3:00 AM :) :) :) :)

Thursday, January 10, 2008

yesterday was my last day of work. some students i taught for only one time said byebye to me while i was on my way home. what makes 3 days in xinmin memorable was probably the students.

had AEP dinner. went swensens. i had my first ever baked rice. it tasted good, but seriously, it was so cheesy, my stomach was filled even before reaching one third of the plate. sat around the table for a long time. we all chatted and shared about each other's life. updated each other on we were doing.

i'm going to take airforce test this coming tuesday. i dono what to expect, but i hope the test will be easy to understand. not going to think too much about the future with airforce, since i haven't even pass the test. for airforce, it's just about the scholarship and the bond. not that i may get the scholarship for sure, cos i really dono how my results are, but going to try out for the test, maybe it's a way to find out more about myself? maybe i will fail. hahah. if i fail, my pathway is going to be even clearer. maybe that's why i chose to go for the test.

maybe xm was right. think about the near future. yesterday's "sharing session" made my decisions come down to a few choices left. nursing or art, or another subject. for sure, nursing is probably not one of my few choices anymore. even though that it may be my real interest for now, perhaps it may not be in future. nursing, till today, i'm not sure if it's a spur of moment, so i shall not venture into it. so nursing's out. i'm left with art or study another subject. am i able to commit myself to art? is it a passion a hobby, or a career? i asked myself umpteen times. but i still can't come up with the answer. i'm afraid cos i lack of creative juices, and there's art theory again. i dread it! you know i'm always the lousiest for art history.

seriously, i cant decide. argh. another subject, but what? hmm. never mind. i shall fret about it later in the day again.

12:04 AM :) :) :) :)

Monday, January 07, 2008
being a relief teacher.

today's my second day in xinmin, and just as i was about to familiarize myself with my way in school, tomorrow's going to be my last day reliefing there. ytd i had just one class for art lesson. thought it was pretty easy. hahah. until today, had one class right at the start of day, one and a half hours of break, then 3 continuous art classes. had to repeat 4 times today. WOW.

however, dealing with different classes need different methods. every class has got their character. hahah. i had one normal class today, and the students, they were really very testing. they made lots of noises, they giggled, and they just kept asking questions, so inquisitive (! which is good..). though the noisiest, they were the most interactive. some classes quietly absorbed what i said, while some could still make some jokes. the funniest part for every class was they would all whisper and laugh at the semi-naked Balinese woman in Liu Kang's Artist and the Model, and also at a symbol, circle, which represents a woman's b in African paintings.

now then i know, being a teacher is tough. i don't have to teach for months. 3 days is tiring enough. hahah. no wonder teachers are well loved.

tmr last day, only having one class at the start in the morning.

i just found out- being a teacher is quite a saving job, cos your lunch is not even 2dollars. somemore xinmin sells ice-cream.

one of the most important things that i guess i was so used to that i forgot was, bowing and greeting teachers, along the corridor and in the classroom.

11:37 PM :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008
movie with aep

all that's needed is some words of encouragement. hah. thanks.

watching hong tou jin now.
it's my turn to do sth for the clique since the rest are busy- plan outings.
i'm now more involved in YAP.
going back to school today, meeting up with sy and cat there. after that going to watch i am legend.

job- shall wait some more. whether there is or not, perhaps it doesn't really matter anymore. the world doesn't end here!

if one looks on the brighter side of life, everything's a blessing in disguise :)

i'm so naggy! pardon me.

first stepped into the school, thought the school would be noisy and hyped up, but turned out that the school was rather empty and quiet. the orientation was at sentosa. talked with misshew a lot, and lunch with her in the canteen. one stall changed alr. the chicken noodles stall, was changed into Sedap! another malay stall, selling malay noodles, whereas the other Sidap! sold malay rice. prices generally raised by 10 to 20cents. everything else is very much the same. saw the new male tr- mr alvin lau/low (i dono). saw mrs ng's baby photos! so cute. his eyes took after mrs ng's. big and shiny! miss hew became the head.
after watching i am legend, i was like ok... the ending was quite abrupt, and throughout the show, it wasn't very intriguing, though i still liked this sci-fic show. the movie suggested about humans creating a whole lot trouble for himself, yet keep blaming God. it turned out to be a tragedy. i thought the guy would survive. and the night creepers. scary. i thought it was quite strange when the main lead said those creepers lost all human sense when the creepers looked like they were taking revenge. be it to kill for his meat his blood, or for taking his girl away.
went home for dinner. had cabbage soup. yumyum.

6:02 PM :) :) :) :)

Tuesday, January 01, 2008
i'm bored.

it's been a chilly day. all i can do is to hide in my nest, keep away from the cold.

i'm really very bored at home. there's no sense of life, and i can't find a purpose to fulfil everyday. unlike last time, everyday, i get to go to jc, mission is to study, but now? all i can do is to wait for a call. sometimes it really gets on my nerves, not knowing what's happening outside my home, world is spinning, yet i'm stuck in my house. ppl are busy, i cant msg them. even if i do, they will reply slow. i won't disturb them.

i shouldn't be like this. i should take some initiatives. well ya, the world doesn't revolve around me. but sometimes, i really do wish ppl come chat with me, pity this lonesome, unemployed, unlucky one.

i cleared my table again.
i cut out some decorations for chinese new year and pasted them on the door.
i ironed clothes.
i cleared my inbox.
i watched tv.
i read the newspapers.
i blogged.
i stoned.
i waited.


10:44 PM :) :) :) :)

first day of new yr- NSM

it's a HAPPY 2008, and i went for YAP meeting today 11am @ cityhall. discussed about what we have to do in 2008- all the events, and how we going to make them happen.

later on, met up with my family. we went to National Musuem of Singapore for the Greek Sculptures From the Louvre exhibition. super cool. the sculptures there were mostly made of marble, others made of bronze. every muscle detail is there, and every curl of hair is clearly defined. cool. they also taught ppl how to dress like a greek, laid out greek games too.

ppl are either starting work or schooling tmr. and i have nth to do. hmm..

i hope 2008 will be a better year, esp after 2006 and 2007 with lots of ups and downs. 2007 is a year that i definitely made more friends, and a year that i learnt a lot. i hope i've grown again last yr (mind wise), and yup; hope we'll all always remain friends, and that luck will come my way, and also most imptly, meet up often with ppl i haven't seen a long time. may God bless everyone with a good year. alleluia. :]

5:46 AM :) :) :) :)




convent girl to nyjc to NTU PSY
i like art.



run run.

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