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Thursday, July 24, 2008
two weeks' summary

after a week's camp, i became darker. heh. my camp was loooooonnnnnnnng but fun. cried half the way through Fright Night (which they convinced us was Mambo Night, grrr), and my friends kissed their way thru the SP Night (which i was so super slow in realising SP stood for Secret Partner). cheered till our thoats sored. because it was a week, Khazad bonded well. by the way, we are Dwarves, and we belong to the Light Side, and will fight the Dark Side to bring peace to world again. HAHA. had gathering ytd night. the turnout was good. out of 19 freshies, 17 including me went. all 3 GLs went too. i'm sure the next gathering would be this huge too. love this group.

we ate at Breeks at marina square, and played um ji ji there. haha. earlier on, they went Kbox. so sad i wasn able to attend, cos i'm seriously busy with today's art exhibition at zhonghua. can't leave. for the whole week i wasn able to sleep well, cos at night i have business to attend to- like meeting up with cousins, my colouring book proj, piano (oops, i didn even touch piano the whole week and i just had lecturing last week from Ms Chew), and gathering.. woke up early everyday, and came home late. hmm. tired tired. today's my last day of work in S6 CLuster. yay. now i can fully channel my energy towards the first day of school.

hall camp is starting like next monday.. and i haven't gotten news?!?!

5:42 PM :) :) :) :)

Saturday, July 19, 2008

i'm back from orientation camp. i'm still rather sunburnt, but defintely back into life again. camp was fun, but there were some parts that i don really like- fright night and SP night. scary, and touchy and eeww. but overall it's really really fun. love the tuki tuki game. saw many ny friends, and ijtp girls. like Amal and Tricia who were in khazad too. i'm going hall camp, soon.. school is starting, uni life is going to start real fast. a little worried, but, i hope everything will turn out fine, since i've found my psy friends, and hall friends. yup.

after entering uni life, i'm so afraid i will have to let go time that will be spent together with wefour etc. really afraid. i hope i can find the balance. miss everyone.

and i'm in hall 9.

8:23 AM :) :) :) :)

Saturday, July 12, 2008
happy birthday chun!

9july, wednesday
after work, went to collect birthday cake for chun's mini celebration! haha! went to eat at pasta. then we (ky, angela and I) gave her a wallet from Accessorize, canvas shoes with designs, and a self made card. yay. bought a strawberry light cheese cake for her. after dinner, we went to her house to celebrate. finally met up with auntie too. it's been so long! hee. we all sang the birthday song, and she cut the cake. ky made her blow certain lit candles out before cutting the cake. haha. though it's simple, but i really love such meetups! whee. anyway, was quite stupid to buy a big cake when it's only the few of us eating. in the end, i brought home four slices for my sisters to eat. planning's never my strength. heh.

happy birthday chun!

after piano, came back to pack my camp bag. need to bring six sets of clothes. like WHY?!?! it's as though i'm going overseas. :( need to bring an extra set of clothes that can be thrown away, and also a set of smart casual. and swimwear too. hmm. i'm not going to step into the pool to play those water games. NEVER! haha. though i swim occasionally, but i've almost drowned once. so, i'm still very scared of deep waters. throw me into the sea, i will be the first to die. haha.

every weekend, the most enjoyable thing to do is to wait for My Legend to show. the story is getting more and more interesting! love the theme song.

just started watching Attention Please- a japanese show featuring a tomboyish girl transforming into a cabin attendant. it's nice! heh. melissa told me about it, so went to checked out. not bad, though i still like SIA stewardess more.

6:55 AM :) :) :) :)

Sunday, July 06, 2008
Red Cross Blood Drive cum Roadshow @ Health & You Fair 2008

saturday, 5/7/08

after piano, went straight to Suntec for voluntary work at red cross blooddrive cum roadshow at Health & You Fair 2008. we didn't have anything to showcase except for our YAP booth because blood drive started at 2pm only. but in the morning, many interested blood donors already came forward, eagerly wanting to donate their blood.

this roadshow is to encourage first time blood donors to come forward to try donating blood. regular blood donors who are enthusiastic, are refused and advised to go to the BloodBank@HSA. seeing such responses made me super happy.

many first time blood donors took a while to be convinced, and also to have the courage to come forward. they usually had a lot of questions about blood donation, and they were generally about the same. for example, they might ask, "is it very painful?", "how long will the whole process take?", "what must we bring or do in order to donate?" etc. i would tell them, "yes, it's going to hurt a little, but it's bearable. it would be a lie to tell you it's not painful at all. the whole process takes about 45mins, depending on how quickly you pass all the tests, and the drawing of blood. 45mins duration begins when you start registering. you have to be generally healthy in order to donate." of course there are many other restrictions, like weight limit, age limit, and whether you're on medication, any diseases plaguing you, or whether you're pregnant. people who went UK since 1980, are permanently not eligible to donate blood because of the mad cow disease. there hasn't been a lab test to test for mad cow disease. i met a lot of foreigners coming forward to donate blood. some are regular donors in their countries, and it's their first time here. many uncles and aunties came forward because they havdalways been wanting to donate, but couldn't find the right time, or they stopped donating after NS life. so many of them were second-time donors. but generally, they were still very afraid, and needed a little encouragement. there were a few teenagers who wanted to donate. one girl felt giddy after donating. so her feet were raised. some curious onlookers began questioning me, why she was in that position, why legs must be raised, and we had to convince them that not everyone would feel nauseous or giddy after donating blood.

overall, we somewhat met the target. when blood drive ended at 6pm, we cleared the area, and allowed the youngsters who just joined YDC to demonstrate their dancing skills. they liked shuffling a lot. earlier on, one of them wore the blood buddy mascot and shuffle danced, attracting many people's attention. one m'sian teenager even wanted to PK. he was so interested that he videoed the dancers, and wanted to talk and dance with them. haha. so cute. so we told him that there's a YDC camp opened to regional countries coming this end of year. he left his contacts, and we promised to post or email him the details. this was one strategy we decided to employ to attract more youth donors/members of YDC.

i'm so happy to be in YDC! although i'm not like those enthu blood donors, but i'm happy with volunteering, and making new friends! haha. my mum used to say it's so stupid of me to do such voluntary work because i'm not paid. i'm not sure why, but i like to volunteer for such events.

my mum had resigned to the fact that i liked volunteering for YDC. when i came home, she just sighed and smiled. heehee. she asked me too, what's so good about blood donation, it makes people fat! i went hahahahaha, so many thousand people had thought it's a fact that blood donation makes people fat too. i told her, those people who went to donate were generally thin, and making ppl fat was just a common myth. red blood cells die within 100 days, and whether you give your blood out or not, it's still going to die in your body. if you donate blood, you give the matured blood out, your bone marrow produces new young blood! so every 3 months, you make your bone marrow produce new young blood cells regularly- so healthy!

it's a blessing to donate blood. not everyone can dontae blood. if you're able to pass all the tests and checks by doctor, it means you're healthy.

isn't that great?! :)

we are currently lacking of O+ and A+ blood supply.

3:09 AM :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, July 02, 2008
i forgot today's 2 july already.

been busy these few days.

chun's birthday is coming! going to plan her birthday.

went for my medical checkup, it was fast and easy. luckily there was huayhan and her friend zhixin, so the trip there wasn't at all scary and boring.

hated urine test. disgusting test.

s6 cluster art exhibition coming soon. in preparation.

there's just one more student who still owes ms sharon money! and it's all because i didn't call up his parents to ask his parents to bring the money down. how i wish he can do it himself.

ky- jiayou.

updated myself with my 0608 friends. we are all going separate ways, but most of them are going smu and nus.

9:05 AM :) :) :) :)




convent girl to nyjc to NTU PSY
i like art.



run run.

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