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Thursday, May 29, 2008
strange encounters

i always had the strangest encounters at night.

last week i dreamt that two guys were tossing girls up and down somewhere in the HDB block, and then after playing with them for a while, they tossed them over the parapet.

two days ago i dreamt that there was a group of boys playing with a ball along the corriddor on the 10th floor. the ball flew over the parapet and one of the boys wanted to save it from dropping down 10 storeys ended up falling off the building.

just this morning, i dreamt of mr eric tan and chij toa payoh building- the one before we moved to thompson building. i dreamt of the whole class too. i dreamt that i was talking to mr tan. i was talking halfway and my mom woke me up. :( i need to speak to MET.

my sister told this morning, i talked a lot in my dreams. but she couldn't remember what the conversation was. she could only remember something like "why did it turn out this way? why?" it was like an argument. haha. but the funniest discovery was, my dreams were in ENGLISH! i always thought i spoke mandarin even in my dreams, but she told me it was the former.

this morning, after i changed my clothes, i wanted to open the door. but i felt that someone was pulling the door on the other side. i thought it was my mom playing pranks on me which was so impossible, but still, i had this thought. i was so scared, i released my hand from the door knob, and i heard the knob turn. omg. i tried opening again. ok. i was fine. i went out, i saw my mom sitting in the living room. i enquired, she denied. shit. i think i'm thinking strangely these days. i'm scared.

6:05 AM :) :) :) :)

Monday, May 26, 2008
at nanyang today

went back to school to complete tape art. couldn't even do at least one panel. i probably took too much of my own sweet time. J1s started to paint their UOB paintings. i really wish i'm a student again. Yixiu, Xianmin and Andre are going to participate in UOB Competition, if they can finish painting. ah. i so envied them! i'm not sure why. it's not that i don't want, i've actually decided on the theme, but i can't find that kind of motivation to finish a piece of artwork. i can doodle, draw small little cartoons in my sketchbook, but i can't find the energy to start the large scale painting again. ah. i can't be like that. i will try. this holiday. i have always wanted to paint out one of the photograph i took of my sister in her mortar board, with her little stuff toys all lying beside her. yea.

ky's not been replying me! the conversation will always stop after i msged. ah. this is making me worried.

angela, on the other side, didn't reply me too after she's been betrayed by her friends. ok. the world is cruelly real. when you want to get the best, you won't care if your not so close friends will get anything. good things are always left for your family and friends. that's true. save yourself. hmm. but standing in the victim's shoes, people are simply evil. don worry angela! box them!

huichun is still working.. hope her throat is feeling better. and her medicine really took a long time to be brewed, so she better get well soon!

xianmin's present is so cute! i'm going to use it!

7:31 AM :) :) :) :)

Saturday, May 24, 2008
mood: unfocused

great news, junta said yes to all aid workers, but of course there must be some conditions, but nevertheless, this is great news for myanmar cyclone victims.

i donated $20 to victims in Szechuan Earthquake.

ah.. ky didn't reply my msg. i'm so super worried now! i forgot if i promised her to go with her to the ntu tea party. if i did, oh shit. had piano at 3, so i couldn't go. i hope she replies soon.

i've just accepted the ntu offer to study in psychology. ok. that's like one
load of burden off my mind.
ok. i'm going to submit this straits times entry form to win a pair of tickets for the TMS Singapore Open. hope i will be lucky enough to win.

MAN U celebrates the win for EPL and ChampsL. so love them. Chelsea is good too but just can't break through. Grant is sacked. SIGH. life is too practical.

Uncle Tham brought my sister and I to OCC. practised a bit of golf at the driving range. ok.. at least my balls fly. no distance, but able to fly. took me a whole half an hour to get the momentum back.

10:16 PM :) :) :) :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

18 may night
went out to causeway point to meet ky, chun and angela. ys and al came but left the four of us for dinner while they went McCafe to chill. yay. it's girls time! hee. treated the three of them to dinner at pastamania. they were very 'ke qi' haha. didnt order much. i think it's got to do with my face. ah. wanted to watch "what happens in vegas" but the show would only start at 9.20pm. that was late. went to the bishan park "pub"- Explorer to check out. ok.. i think the service there wasn't that good. they expected us to order alcoholic drinks or beers, but we ordered frosties and shakes. what's wrong with that. we're healthy people, and besides, there weren't much choices on the menu. :\ the people there were all chinese (as in China people), we had to order in Chinese. :/ the atmosphere there wasn't really nice, except when they played some nice good old english songs on the hi-fi set.


wanted to visit my grandpa at woodlands. told him i would be waiting for him outside his house because he was at causeway strolling, and he said he would come home soon. that was what we said during the first phone call. second call from me to him, he was on bus alr. ok. good i'm going to see him soon! last call, it was from him. he called and asked, "why you called me?" ok.. he forgot. old people can't remember as clearly as before. he obviously forgot i was waiting at his house! and he said he was at coffeeshop drinking kopi already! ah. i've waited for nothing. wanted to pass him money and some docs actually, aiyo, this is bad.

never mind.. went swimming afterwards. definitely the best way to cool the body. but sometimes i'm just too lazy to go to the pool. it's a bus ride from my house!

this is cat! invading cheng's blog! hehehehehe. MEOW!
it's freakingly hot~ my barometer says it's 31 degrees celsius. i've not done much work today. felt so bad. met up with ky and chun.
mum said an auntie was reasoning to people about who's the more pitiful one- myanmar or china. szechuan earthquake killed 30 000+ people, but cyclone took away more than 200 000 people (er, wait, are the figures correct?). of course myanmar is the more pitiful one, but junta won't let us in to help! they are scaredworried that foreign intervention may indirectly diminish their powers, and encourage civilians to overthrow the military govt. which is why, help that is directed to myanmar, has to turn to china. hope UN can persuade myanmar to open her gates.

5:56 PM :) :) :) :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008
a hero who claimed she was not a hero.

i've just read the Time magazine milestone section. this woman named Irena Sendlerowa just died on 12 May 2008.

During the World War II German occupation of Poland, Sendler lived in Warsaw (before that she lived in Tarczyn) while working for the city's Social Welfare Department. Under the pretext of conducting inspections of sanitary conditions during a typhoid outbreak, Sendler visited the ghetto and smuggled out babies and small children in ambulances and trams, sometimes disguising them as packages. She also used the old courthouse of the edge of the Warsaw Ghetto (still standing) as one of the main routes of smuggling children out. She started helping Jews a long time before the Warsaw Ghetto was established. As early as 1939, when the Germans invaded Poland, she began helping Jews by offering them food and shelter. Irena and her helpers made over 3,000 false documents to help Jewish families, before she joined Zegota and the children's division. Helping Jews was very risky — in German-occupied Poland, all household members were punished by death if a hidden Jew was found in their house. This punishment was more severe than those applied in other occupied European countries.
In December 1942, the newly created Children's Section of the Żegota (Council for Aid to Jews), nominated her (under her cover name Jolanta) to head its children's department. As an employee of the Social Welfare Department, she had a special permit to enter the Warsaw Ghetto, to check for signs of typhus, something the Nazis feared would spread beyond the ghetto. During the visits, she wore a Star of David as a sign of solidarity with the Jewish people and so as not to call attention to herself.
She cooperated with the Children's Section of the Municipal Administration, linked with the RGO (Central Welfare Council), a Polish Relief Organization tolerated under German supervision. She organized the smuggling of Jewish children from the Ghetto, carrying them out in boxes, suitcases and trolleys. The children were placed with Polish families, the Warsaw orphanage of the Sisters of the Family of Mary or Roman Catholic convents such as the Sisters Little Servants of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Mary at Turkowice and Chotomów. Some were smuggled to priests in parish rectories where they could be further hidden. She hid lists of their names in jars, in order to keep track of their original and new identities. Zegota assured the children that, when the war was over, they must be returned to Jewish relatives.
In 1943, Sendler was arrested by the Gestapo, severely tortured, and sentenced to death. Żegota saved her by bribing the German guards on the way to her execution. She was left in the woods, unconscious and with broken arms and legs. She was listed on public bulletin boards as among those executed. For the remainder of the war, she lived in hiding, but continued her work for the Jewish children. After the war, she dug up the jars containing the children's identities and began an attempt to find the children and return them to living parents. However, almost all the children's parents had died at the Treblinka extermination camp.[citation needed]

Extract taken from wikipedia.org.

7:59 PM :) :) :) :)

Saturday, May 17, 2008
so this is how a car accident is like.

this week at zhonghua was super tiring cos i had to produce a newsletter within a week's time, plus it's the end of mid years so teachers were all busy transferring students' results into the school's cockpit. i had to help out with the database and all those admin work. managed to finish up the newsletter. whoo.


zhonghua had their literacy evening. it was super funny, interesting and to me, it was a whole different experience watching those male and female students performing together. haha. i could remember in IJTP, during drama nights, those roles that were supposed to be acted out by males, were given to females who were more manly, or who were just better in acting. haha. at 5.30pm on the dot, i left for Changi Airport to pick up my sister who was flying back from Taipei. it was lucky that they didn feel any tremors.

had dinner at Eatzi Steakhouse at EastPoint. ordered steak and chicken combo, medium well. was superb. the cabbage, wa, i was super happy that they served cabbage, i finished it all up. tasted a little like my grandma's cooking, that's why i love it.

was on our way home when we were involved in a car accident. wa lau. we were talking so happily, and suddenly i heard my mum scream, and my two sisters and I at the back simply flew forward when my dad jammed on his brake. my face was totally 'piack' onto the fence in the van. i ended up sitting on my sister's lap, and my lao er was like flattened aganst the side of the armchair. it was then i know we were in a car accident.

my god. we rammed into a Malaysia sports car. we were travelling on the right lane, and we were about to pass this pedestrian crossing when this m'sia car suddenly swerved in wanting to u-turn at this pedestrian crossing. my dad and mum got down the vehicle to check on their car and our van. our sidelights were broken, and the corner of the van was a little smashed. theirs was more serious, their two right side doors dented in. the m'sian came down his car and scolded us first for driving so fast. my dad and mum were so angry, because it was their fault, that they could not u-turn here at all! you could only u-turn at corner with the u-turn sign. so we scolded them back, and the m'sian sort of quietened, and gave the excuse that they didn know they could not turn there. i was like, ok.. fine lor. m'sians are known for reckless driving. they offered to compensate of course, because it was seriously their fault. we had just turned out from the eastpoint carpark, how could we be driving fast. crazy ppl. if they want to er ren xian gao zhuang, they should have done it cleverly.

anyway, i believe the compensation they are giving won't be that much because our van suffered minor injuries. my mum was worried the whole night, kept consoling herself that she had actually hugged my little sister in her arms, and that she was safe. if she had not, i guess my sister would have been disfigured if she had flown head-on the glass. san jie got a bruise, er, because i sat on her, and her thigh whammed hard on the arm of the armchair. what's more the luggage fell on her legs. ouch. little sister's knees hurt a lot.

we were ok. fortunately.

when the accident happened, a lot of kapo ppl were looking and staring. i guessed the crash was loud, especially the screech. it was funny, because i didn hear anything when we were in the van. i felt really bad after the accident because i simply couldn help feeling that this whole episode was actually interesting and exciting. it was like my first time sitting on a roller coaster. i'm so wrong.

ok.. so this is how a car accident is like.

and oh. i plan to donate a small part of my earnings to Red Cross for
szechuan disaster relief. ah. must go down soon.

6:40 AM :) :) :) :)

Monday, May 12, 2008
two big news.


1 good, 1 bad.

MAN U took the EPL title again.

Xuanxuan is in Taipei right now, and just this afternoon, news came that szechuan, china had a major earthquake, 5000 over ppl died. shocked- taipei felt the tremor. it was so strong that it shook for about 2 minutes. i hope there will be no more side effect tremors. they are fine there, but we just can't stop worrying a lot.

come back soon baby! da jie misses you a lot a lot! :(

9:13 AM :) :) :) :)

Saturday, May 10, 2008

haven't been updating.

thursday i went with the zhss art dept for a farewell and welcome dinner for ms shun ru. ms sharon drove all the way to changi airport to eat at pasta fiesta. spent a sum of bout near 30dollars for just that dinner. omg. my most expensive dinner. but they said the dishes were near authentic italian pastas, so ok..

friday i became a carpenter at nyjc. haha. converted a senior's work into a shelf to store the prepboards. took me the whole day when i think for guys it's just a 2 hour or even shorter job. ah. i hope they fit in there well.

today's the first-day workshop for YAP. went for the last half of the session. turn out wasn't good at all. hope the next session will have more ppl. and, had an early happy mother's day cake tonight, cos xuanxuan is going to taipei tomorrow morning. i paid for the cake!! heh. anyway, i seriously need to visit my grandpa soon. he's been alone for quite some time. and i want to buy sth for my grandma!~!!!!!! i need ideas. when i earn my own money, i don feel a single inch of pain if it's spent on ppl i love and who are close to me. will slowly give all my friends treats!!!!!!! cos i'm really thankful tat they are there for me when i need them. yay. the arts dept at zhss some i've treated alr. small meals la. more to come soon.

8:07 AM :) :) :) :)




convent girl to nyjc to NTU PSY
i like art.



run run.

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