Monday, June 25, 2007
summer of love try again or walk away. a phrase picked up from Trademark-Only Love. love it. oh there's another one, pray you'll have a change of heart. not hoping for much. keep telling myself that it's so wrong to think about all these during this critical period, in this critical year. but, it's hard to control. i don't know what's going on, but i hope my eyes aren't seeing the truth. try again or walk away? am i wishing for the impossible? anyway, it's back to studying. someone please help me get back on tracks. argh. (to _______: i wished you would see me as a friend, and nothing else.) 11:21 PM Friday, June 15, 2007
853 woman ![]() I'M GOING TO PRINT THIS OUT AND THROW DARTS. i saw her again! she lives near me, and i now know roughly where she stays. Someone save me !!!!!!!!!!! 8:30 PM Thursday, June 07, 2007
art art art. ![]() can i not study? can i just be a full time art student? it's so much easier this way. i seriously think the other subjects are wasting my time. it's late. i want to study. oh man. but i'm not moving. why? because the thought of art tomorrow just tires me out. hai. so whatever. i know why i'm not moving? cos no one is there to study with me. anyway, yes, no one wants to study with me. i'm not a good study partner, and anyway, ____________________________________________________________. i must find my own motivation. i'm no longer close to anyone. why? i dono. don't ask me. perhaps i've always been placed second. i'm always the "the other friend" i suppose. oh well. i wanna stay cheery everyday, but how to when worries are just pulling me down everyday. and that stupid red cross payment worth hundreds of dollars is stiull not settled. rc tr said she won't be in school this few weeks, the supplier said ltr bill in late, we will pay late again. mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. no wonder loaded ppl die fast. cos they have to always worry about money $$$. so many things are happening. i feel giddy. now everyday, i can only look forward to lunch time, probably the only enjoyment i have in the day. everything's damn irritating. i feel mixed now. i'm happy and stressed and sad at the same time. it's whirly. will you just let me have 10 hours of sleep? i'm tired. ok. everyone's tired. yar. me to. rah. everyone sleep lar, so i can sleep too. did anyone invent this acronym? SOL. it's not standard of living. it's Scream Out Loud. (in sms form) mrs ng: did you keep meihung's lion and co.? me: oh.. no. she didn't keep or she lost them? mrs ng: someone kept it and we wonder who is the kind soul. i know it wasn't you and kaiyng! just wanted to confirm! ha! hahah. so dots lar! mrs ng! you're so funny! 9:22 AM |
Profile ![]() CHENGHONG} convent girl to nyjc to NTU PSY i like art. bold italic underline
RUnaway run run.
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