Friday, September 29, 2006
maths paper today i just fought a war. i have a feeling my maths gona get a smiley face again - U 3:21 AM Wednesday, September 27, 2006
39.5 so dead. there's art history test tmr and i'm running a fever of near 39.5 degree celsius. it's promos.. if i don't go, i can't retake the test, and my test will be marked zero. even with MC. that means i will fail my promos, then after that mr kwek will look at all those who fail on a case by case basis. argh. too tired to study. God please help me! 6:30 AM Monday, September 25, 2006
i'm in school splitting headache. searching for damien hirst's pictures. nyjc's may gona have a superstar!!! whee. wah. headache. study leave. today and tmr. thursday -> art history friday -> maths monday -> h1 physics and econs wednesday -> art prac. so dead. 8:30 PM Friday, September 22, 2006
we have been defamed. ![]() how can they tarnish IJ reputation by saying all those nasty stuffs about IJ girls? have they ever considered the fact that there are eleven convent schools in singapore and IJ girls don't just start from secondary schools, there are also primary IJ girls. like hello.. IJ primary girls going easy with opposite sex? this is really not fair to us. i'm an IJ girl, but am i what they said in the newspaper? how can they make such statements.. PRESS CAN BE SUCH A NUISANCE. 8:55 PM Saturday, September 16, 2006
we four celebrating angela's bday in advance ![]() listen to this. NewS- teppen. (under the song list on the right) i learnt about this when i was in fukuoka, japan during the june hols :]] all thanks to stephanie, who has migrated to the States already. 8:36 PM Tuesday, September 12, 2006
new specs! ![]() went to opticspoint to make a new pair of specs. yeh. i think it's nice. black half frame specs. whee. 3:59 AM Saturday, September 09, 2006
random guess what. my dad got the answer right when he guessed the second time. !!!. answer: because jane wants to see that cute boy again. not because she's jealous of mary, or what. hahah. who's anode? thanks for saying that. i'm really going to fall some day :( didn't get anything for UOB awards. so sad. hai. i've not done well enough.. i'm determined to win something within this two yrsd in nyjc. yup!! but well.. i f i don't.. )': i'm gona mug super hard now. to get rid stuffs in my mind. argh. 7:59 AM Sunday, September 03, 2006
are you a psychopath? story: one day, jane and mary attended their father's funeral. jane saw a cute boy. the cute boy was waving at her direction, and was smiling to both sisters. the next day, jane killed mary. question: why did jane kill mary? if you can answer this question, you have a psychopathic mind. 6:44 AM |
Profile ![]() CHENGHONG} convent girl to nyjc to NTU PSY i like art. bold italic underline
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